Starting October 1st 2020, the H2020 project Better Factory – grow your manufacturing business will be running for four years with In4Art as one of the 28 partners divided over 10 European countries.
Better Factory will provide methodology for Manufacturing SMEs to collaborate with Artists to develop new and personalized products. At the same time Better Factory will provide technology for SMEs to become fully connected cyber-physical-systems, transforming them into Lean-Agile production facilities capable of manufacturing new and personalized products alongside existing products. The project will allow SME manufacturing businesses from all over Europe to collaborate with artists in remodeling their products, reshaping their services and redefining their business models. This will be done through 16 of Knowledge Transfer Experiments or KTEs.
Within the project, In4Art will support technology suppliers in allowing manufacturing SME’s to benefit from insights and ideas from the artists in the KTEs for the development of new products and services build around those products.