Lija Groenewoud Van Vliet

During June and July, the founders of  In4Art will be talking on different stages related to our Art-Driven Innovation projects and the S+T+ARTS residencies within the projects Better factory and Repairing the Present.  

In4Art was invited to share experiences and insights in how artistic research can be a driver of innovation in society. In the talks we cover various technologies, like machine learning, human-machine interaction, (soft) robotics, haptic technologies, but also dive into the responsible innovation implications of the artistic collaborations. And it wouldn’t be collaborations, if there weren’t involved various partners from industries and science. Totally in line with the nature of S+T+ARTS residencies

A time of radical technologies envisions thrilling foresights. Potential lies in taking social (care) and ecological (green) goals as boundaries. Collaborations on the intersection of art, technology and economics create the conditions needed to conceive valuable and responsible innovation opportunities. Through guiding artistic experimentation with our Art-Driven Innovation method, we explore new paths for progress, release conditions and bring progress in artistic experimentation.  

During the keynotes and different sessions, In4Art shares how we introduce the Art-Driven Innovation method to select collaboration artists, take a mission or challenge oriented approach to set the boundaries and how these collaborations evolve. We take the audience behind the scenes of some of the In4Art projects and current S+T+ARTS Residency projects, while showing examples and innovation spill overs on closing material loops and innovative data interfaces. At the same time, we will join panels to stimulate thought and exchange insights on trends and experiences of interdisciplinary collaborations aimed at the innovation of society and industry, and the reflection on global challenges. 

An overview of the events: 

JUNE 16th_
TechnoArt3: International Conference of Technology and Art 3.0
Bunda Mulia University (Online) 

JUNE 20th_
Better Factory Workshop & Q&A during Transylvanian Furniture Cluster 
□ Cluj Innovation Park  

JUNE 22nd_
Inspiration Keynote & Roundtable

JUNE 23rd/24th_
Panel Discussion The New Digital Atlas
MEET Milano 

JUNE 29th_
Talk, Info session & Panel discussion
EU Robotics Forum 

JULY 5th_
S+T+ARTS Roundtable Seminar for C-level industry leaders

JULY 7th_
Inspiration keynote and discussion
NethWork Future Leaders Week  

JULY 11th_
S+T+ARTS Inspiration keynote & discussion
ESOF 2022 More than Planet Symposium