OurkilO selected as participant of BeStart: Boosting circular solutions
BeStart helps sustainability startups to grow their business and can boost ecosystems to adopt circular solutions in the Northern Netherlands.
Get ready to experience Transnational Activation of Simultaneous Touch [TAST] – 19 May 2022 – 22 May 2022 at V2_ in Rotterdam
Ready to experience Transnational Activation of Simultaneous Touch [TAST] – 19 May 2022 – 22 May 2022 at V2_ in Rotterdam by Marnix de Nijs
First seven Better Factory Experiments selected. Presenting Round-1
This article shows the 9 Better Factory experiment projects (KTE), that started in spring 2023, focusing on their ambitions and focus. : platform to calculate & act upon your digital footprint
calculators show how big the 'Trees Park' should be to compensate for your digital behavior (such as emailing or video calling). In addition, tips are given to start immediately with sustainable use of the internet.
Open Micro-Factory: Experience how we can sustainably close plastic chains (Sat. Feb 12th : 11-15hr)
Find OurkilO in the Week of the Circulair Economie in the Netherlands to become acquainted with our vision of closing the plastic chain and see in practice how we bring local crafts back to the city.
S+T+ARTS Repairing the Present Residencies announced – Penelope Cain and Grow Your Own Cloud are our fellowship winners
After reviewing over 300 eligible applications from artists based in 40+ countries, each of the 21 S+T+ARTS Repairing The Present [...]
Citylab010 awards OurkilO for their Rotterdam pilot
Citylab010 awards OurkilO for our Rotterdam local pilot OnskilO disposable PLA pilot to close the PLA bio-plastic material chain, preventing waste and reducing the CO2 footprint.
Exhibition: Prosthetic X (Nov 26th – Dec 15th): how a 2 year research program resulted into an Artificial Data Organ
Prosthetic X started in 2019 as a research project around the question: ‘How might we increase health and beauty on [...]
Ourkilo winner of P>ACT Challenge: innovative solutions for a circular plastic industry
OurkilO received an investment of 50k to pilot our project ‘Hernieuwbare Kweekbakjes’ (renewable breeding trays) with Koppert Cress.