We are proud to announce that VYX, our endavour of creating art-driven innovation within the Proshethic X project, has it first international acknowledgement.
About VYX
With VYX, we take the first step to bring our speculative art project Prosthetic X to the market as a responsible wearable. The wristband itself is made of smart materials and gives non-screen based feedback. It is designed for desire: meaning that we put intuitive feedback, social activation and privacy at the core of the product. Next to that, it is designed with the aging population in mind: using state of the art sensor technology that fits with our target group. It measures the exposure to UV light, vitamin D uptake and the amounts of steps. But it is more than that, it is a motivator for social behavior and healthy living. We want to encourage vitality and contribute to good health and well-being (SDG 3). We do this in a sustainable, by embracing modularity and a service model, which assures that there won’t be any e-waste
Years from now people will look back and find it incomprehensible that we didn’t anticipate and act upon heart attacks, infarcts, and hundreds of other signals from the body through preventive monitoring. Our bodies are increasingly becoming platforms for sensitive and interactive technologies.
VYX is a hardware device which fits in a future where the border between man and technology, the natural (organs, health, appearance) and the unnatural (technology) fade and result in new, hybrid, forms of human-machine interactions.
VYX – a new, intuitive , responsive and data conscious wearable to stimulate healthy aging.
About S+T+ARTS In Motion
STARTS in MOTION promotes a greener and more sustainable economy, turned to the people, promoting diversity and respectful to the environment. It support projects whose critical, aesthetic and visionary perspectives push the boundaries of technology and have the potential to change the shape of the economy of the future.
STARTS in MOTION has been designed as a key-steps path towards art-tech projects’ empowerment. The accelerator program is a four months trajectory, focussing on mastering the business side of the creative endeavours. It will finish with a pitching day in front of European investors.